Summary of BEREA Meeting:
The March
Agenda (in
PDF file) Lottie Scott, the Director of "Adult Academic Support Services," explained the 62+ program offered by AASU. The 62+ Program provides an opportunity for Georgia residents, who are at least 62 years of age, to attend the AASU free of tuition costs. She emphasis that 62+ students must register though the Office of Adult Academic Support Services in order to qualify for free tuition and to remember the tuition is free, but books and supplies have to be purchased by the student. Steven Milley, "Associate Director of Admissions Enrollment Services," gave the group an application packet that explained the process that one needs to follow in order to enroll in this program. He also gave the group CDs that AASU now uses now instead of the course booklets that many of us were familiar with during our college days. He explained that 62+ students must apply in many of the same way as a regular student including having certificate of immunization. As educators, most of our education has been in the direction of our career choice, but now this is an opportunity for us to explore our interests or hobbies. Alice Bennett had taken advantage of this program since her retirement. She will be glad to talk to you about how much she has enjoyed this experience. |