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September 13, 2011    Click here for the Agenda.

Notes on Meeting:   
      The BEREA  meeting  started at 10:30 with a brunch. We would like to thank Nancy Page for organizing the brunch and to all that helped to make it a delicious way to start a meeting.      
     A special guest, Mrs. Judy Cook, Pembroke's Mayor, was honored.  Mrs. Purcell introduced Mrs. Cook. Then Mrs. Cook entertained us with her experiences with driving a school bus and how education and educators have influenced her life.   
      Mrs. Elizabeth Harn, a retired educator, was also honored. She is our oldest attending and active member. 

     After brunch, the new officers for the year 2011-2012 were installed by Carolyn Downs.  The new officers are:
                     David Greene: President;
                     Anne Miller:  President-Elect
                     Nancy Page:  Vice President
                     Anne Sanders: Treasurer
                     Delores Fields: Secretary
                     Mamie Moore: Parliamentarian

After the installation of the officers, the meeting was called to order by David Green and the business session began:
A few topics discussed:

Ø David Greene gave the updates from the Area VI meeting in Statesboro.

Ø Members were reminded that the GRE Day is  November 6th.

Ø Field trip discussion was lead by Claudia Christenson.  The BEREA group seemed very interested and Claudia said she would come up with some interesting trips to see what the group thought. (These field trips are for education, socialization and fun. It is to give members time to enjoy each other’s company while doing something interesting with the group.)

Ø The Bryan REA needs to find candidates for the scholarship for this year. 

Ø The BEREA Unit decided they would collect Box Tops for Education, Campbell's soup labels, and soda can pop tabs for schools in their counties.  Members are just asked to bring them to the meetings and some of the members will distribute them to the schools that collect these items..  

Ø The October meeting will be held in Claxton with Jack Hill as our guest speaker.

Ø The drawing for door prizes was held and the meeting was adjourned.

   If you missed this meeting, we hope you will join us in Claxton in October.  It is a great way to meet and socialize with old and new friends.  

Written by Anne Miller  (If you find any errors, please let me know.  Writing is not one of my strengths.)


David and Carolyn David Greene- President Installation of Officers
Delores Fields read the minutes. Mrs. Elizabeth Harn Starting the meeting with the Pledge

New Officers:
Mamie Moore, Anne Sanders, Deloris Fields, Nancy Page, Carolyn Downs, Anne Miller, David Greene
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